Port Elizabeth

Nuraan Begg Agherdien

078 133 4359

Drop of Deadline :

1 Habelgaarn Street Gelvan Park ( Cnr of Aubrey Str )
  • Anytime
  • Drop off by 12 May 2019
  • Nuraan Begg Agherdien
  • 078 133 4359
  • ramadaanshoebox.pe@gmail.com
33 Euphorbia Street Malabar (Opposit Masjid Mansoor)
  • Anytime
  • Drop off by 12 May 2019
  • Aunty Gameda Gangat
  • 0823763168
Helenvale Islamic Resource Centre
  • Helenvale
  • helenvaleislamicresourcecentre@gmail.com
  • Ml Achmat Abrahams
Children from Ext 6
  • Ext 6
Seyisi Jamaat Khaana Madressa
  • New Brighton
  • 0769185943
  • Sh Imaan Nakhomo
Madressa Marikanah
  • Marikanah
  • 0826208728
  • Najeeba Moosagie
Masjid Noor Madressa
  • Bloemendal
  • 0834398855
  • Appa Farrahnaaz
  • Uitenhage
Madressa Abu Bakr
  • Ext 12
  • Missionvale

Find a shoebox with a separate lid or a flip top lid.

Cover the shoebox and lid separately with paper and decorate with stickers, pictures, drawings and paint. Make the box colourful as this will be the child’s “treasure box”.

Write BOY or GIRL and AGE on the top right hand corner of the lid.

Do not seal the box or wrap items individually as the boxes will be checked to ensure that they contain all items.

Close the box by securing the lid with an elastic band.

Please check in your box at distribution point when dropping off. This is to ensure that we mark off your box as received.


Your box must contain the following NEW items :
1. Toothbrush
2. Toothpaste
3. Wash cloth 
4. Soap 
5. Underwear ( 3 pack )
6. Socks ( min 2 pairs)
7. Beanie & gloves
8. Age appropriate stationery supplies
Eg. colouring book & crayons (younger kids)
Eg. Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, pencil crayons, book, etc ( Older kids )
9. Toy or special gift 
10. Sweets or any treat

For age 12yrs & older please add:
Sanitary pads - girls
Roll on - boys

RSBP reserves the right to remove or add any items from your box.
Strictly, no cash accepted.
Sharp objects, medication, electronics, battery operated objects, glass or liquids are NOT allowed.
All items must be NEW
No old or used items are allowed.
Please ensure that all items are age appropriate.
Sweets should not contain nuts.
Strictly NO zakat accepted.